©2024, 593 Studio SRL – Società Benefit C.F. – P.IVA 05113710262
project by 593 studio  |  illustration by asile’s world  | webdesign by laiowebdesign

If Filippo Terzi could feel the vibrations coursing through the living stones of Palazzo Lenci, in the heart of Barchi, we believe he would be pleased.

We have fallen in love; it happens and it is one of the most beautiful things that can occur.

The dream of initiating a construction site that also serves as a laboratory for participation, sustainability, and inclusion was born from the ethical foundations that constitute 593Studio. This dream has become a project thanks to the involvement of a network of actors who, along with us, have agreed to embark on a journey that will lead Palazzo Lenci to a new, open use. It will host small commercial and craft workshops, spaces dedicated to art and culture, slow hospitality, local associations, all within a framework of simplicity, beauty, historical coherence, and social innovation.


A project on the scale of a building, a project on the scale of a city: to the east, we will open the doors of Palazzo Lenci towards Corso Umberto; to the west, we will create a passage from the inner garden to Vicolo degli Ebrei: a new urban and architectural corridor. A new crossing path in Barchi, an unexpected new glimpse with strong symbolic meaning.


This is just the first action, with more to follow. Silent, concrete, shared actions that will humbly seek to rediscover the traces of a distant, dormant past, from which to draw valuable insights and suggestions for a future that asks to be imagined, designed, and, with the strength we have, realized together. We will not resign ourselves to remain still in our present with the eyes of the present, but will keep our heads high, looking enthusiastically to the future.

Francis, go and repair my house which, as you see, is all being destroyed

Fonti Francescane n° 593


Welcome! As you step inside, we will guide you through the Inbarchiamoci project: play with the colorful windows and the characters that will bring Palazzo Lenci to life. Join us in this story.